Instagram Growth Hacks

Instagram Growth Hacks: A Complete Guide

There are currently more than one billion Instagram accounts out there. Instagram has become the go-to social media platform for people all over the world, ranging in age and background. 

Because of this, you’ll need to grow your Instagram following if you want to increase your sales and expand your business. However, this is easier said than done. Luckily for you, we’ve got Instagram growth hacks that you need to know in order to build your account quickly. 

So if you would like to learn more then make sure to keep on reading!

Optimize Your Instagram Account

The very first thing that you should do is make sure that your account is optimized to its fullest potential. It’s not just about the pictures. It’s about everything that you can alter. 

First off, you want to imagine that your account bio is something like your homepage. It’s what people are first going to see when they go to your profile. 

You’ll want to have a clear and inviting bio, a clear profile photo, and a link to external sites and info.

You should also caption all of your photos and add some hashtags too. 

Remember, you can’t hyperlink in a photo caption, so you need to use your bio wisely.

Post Consistently 

You don’t want to post too often but you also want to post consistently. Check your account’s statistics and see at what times your posts get the most interactions. This will help you figure out the best time to post new content. 

Utilize Hashtags 

By using hashtags, you’ll make it easier for new customers to find your account when they are looking up related topics to what you sell. Use both general and specific hashtags to get the right kind of audience. 

Cross Promote

Work with influencers and have them use your products. They can then tag your account to make it easier for their followers to find you.

Buy Likes and Followers

One of the fastest ways to grow your account is to simply buy real Instagram likes and followers. You can pay a company that will get real people to like your photos and follow your account too. 

The more likes and followers you have, the more legitimate you will appear to customers. Plus it means that you will show up in people’s feeds more often.

The Importance of Knowing About Different Instagram Growth Hacks

After reading the above article, you hopefully now have a better idea of what the different Instagram growth hacks are and how they can help you build your following. As we can see, there are a lot of different strategies out there so there will also be a good amount of trial and error. Keep trying out different strategies until you find the one that works best for you.

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